Cancer mortality in India

Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and Centre for Global Health Research invite you to a press conference for the launch of a major paper on cancer " Cancer mortality in India: a nationally representative survey" to be published in the Lancet on March 28, 2012.
WHERE:                Tata Memorial Hospital
                        Rustom Choksi Auditorium
Golden Jubliee Block
 WHEN:         Wednesday, 28th  March from 11.00 -13.30 hrs
PANELISTS: Father Lawrence, St. John's Research Institute, Mr. Keshav Desiraju, Additional Secretary, MOHFW, Dr. Raj Badwe, TMH, Dr. Rajesh Dikshit,TMH, Dr. Prabhat Jha, CGHR, Dr. Dhirendra Sinha, WHO
EMBARGO:   Wednesday March 28, 0530AM UK time (1100H AM New Delhi time, 0030AM Toronto)
CONTACTS:   Please RSVP to:
Ms. Prabha Sati 
(+91) 971 196 4550
Please note that the press conference will start sharp at 11:00 am and therefore request you to reach on time.
We look forward to having you at the press conference and request you to please confirm your participation.

With Best Wishes,
