Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and Centre for Global Health Research
invite you to a press conference for the launch of a major paper on
cancer " Cancer mortality in India: a nationally representative survey"
to be published in the Lancet on March 28, 2012.
Tata Memorial Hospital
Rustom Choksi Auditorium
Golden Jubliee Block
Wednesday, 28th
March from 11.00 -13.30 hrs
Father Lawrence, St. John's Research Institute, Mr. Keshav Desiraju, Additional Secretary,
MOHFW, Dr. Raj Badwe, TMH, Dr. Rajesh Dikshit,TMH, Dr. Prabhat Jha, CGHR, Dr. Dhirendra Sinha, WHO
Wednesday March 28, 0530AM UK time (1100H AM New Delhi time, 0030AM Toronto)
Please RSVP to:
Ms. Prabha Sati
(+91) 971 196 4550
Email: satip@smh.ca
Please note that the press conference will start sharp at 11:00 am and therefore request you to reach on time.
We look forward to having you at the press conference and request you to please confirm your participation.
With Best Wishes,
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