of Syed Asif Ibrahim’s appointment to the post of Director of the
Intelligence Bureau (IB) has come as a surprise. There are reasons for
the eyebrows to be raised- he is the first Muslim to head the Bureau in
125 years of the organization’s history and he is being made the chief
by moving ...

even only one film had the power to turn one person’s ignorance into
understanding it would be worth it. United Kingdom, November 28, 2012:
Congratulations to young film makers Charles Andrew Flamiano from the
Philippines, Liat Har-Gill from Israel, and Mudit Muraka from India for
winning the Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s 2012 global film ...

complainants allege that “there are several malicious contents with
intent to defame and destroy their reputation.” New Delhi, November 28,
2012: The Delhi High Court has sought replies from Facebook and Google
on a plea filed by two Christian groups, who wanted to remove defamatory
articles appeared in three social media sites. Justice Valmiki ...

10 years, Catholics and Protestants went from 0.4 to 1.4 per cent of
the population, less than estimated in 2011. Hindu rise is attributed to
wrong designation. Converts to Christianity are also afraid of
declaring their new religion. Two million Nepalis live abroad. Nepal,
November 27, 2012: Nepal’s Christians are growing. In ten years, ...

least 11 people have been killed in a suicide bombing at a church
inside a military barracks in Kaduna state, while elsewhere in Nigeria,
an allegation of blasphemy prompted anti-Christian riots. Nigeria,
November 27, 2012: The attack on St Andrew’s Protestant Church in Jaji
happened around midday on Sunday (25 November) during a service. ...

November 28, 2012: Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who faced the
death penalty for “apostasy” but was recently released, has thanked
those who had prayed and petitioned on his behalf during his
imprisonment for nearly three years, BosNewsLife monitored Wednesday,
November 28. In just released comments, he told supporters, “It is the
opportunity for me ...

Criswell tells of an ambitious young man who told his pastor he’d
promised God a tithe of his income. They prayed for God to bless his
career. At that time he was making $40.00 per week and tithing $4.00. In
a few years his income increased and he was tithing $500.00 per week.
He ...

Intercession, Awareness, Activism, Action ...
This e-journal specifically highlights and documents persecution
and violation of human rights of Christians, Minorities, Schedule
Caste/Tribes and Other Backwards, urging you to at least - PRAY. Our aim
is to identify fundamentalists and those disrupting communal harmony
and indigenous communities - posing a threat to a just, equal, plural
and secular citizenry. We oppose any kind of discrimination and
oppression, whether of race, religion, culture, gender etc. specially
when it comes from some of our own. Please pray for the following local,
state, national, regional and international situations.
Editor-in-Chief: Joseph Dias
NB: We may not agree with material that
appears here, which is published to give a cross section of diverse
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and freedom of expression, as reported. Images may be indicative and not
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