e-Commerce Set for Steady Growth in 2013

New Delhi, January 17, 2013: 2013 promises to be an interesting year for the e-Commerce industry. While 2012 witnessed consolidation and increase in e-Commerce, the current year looks set for exponential growth. Going by the IAMAI Internet Watch Report, e-Tailing is witnessing steady growth. Panelists at a session of the 7th India Digital Summit organized by the Internet & Mobile Association of India aptly titled 㥭Commerce 2.0 Emerging Trend伯b> discussed threadbare the opportunities that lie ahead in 2013. Chaired by Avnish Bajaj, Managing Director Matrix Partners, the session saw participation from Alok Mittal, Managing Partner Canaan Partners India, Sachin Bansal, Co-Founder & CEO Flipkart, Sundeep Malhotra, CEO Homeshop18, Murlikrishnan B. Country Manager eBay, Mukesh Bansal, Founder Myntra.com and Ankur Warikoo, CEO Groupon India.

Discussing about new users, devices and new business models, Mukesh Bansal reiterated that acceptance for e-commerce has evolved in 2012 and will witness growth in tier 2-3 cities. However, Murlikrishnan B. had a word of caution. According to him, 㷨ile the year 2012 was a year of engagement and supply dynamics to evolve, 2013 will be a year of reality check.⠼/span>

Sundeep Malhotra stressed on the fact that women are driving the e-commerce category and will continue to do so. The same trend can be seen the monthly tracker ቮternet Economy Watch⠢y IAMAI where a tremendous and steady growth has been seen in e-tailing of fashion accessories, branded apparel and footwear segment, a category dominated by women heavily. As per the latest data, the branded apparel and footwear segment has seen a y-o-y growth of 56% and 71% respectively.
However, according to Alok Mittal the new e-commerce companies have to evolve unique strategies in the competitive world. With the market size still being naﶥ, the need to integrate all mediums to reach consumers across platforms is required. As Sachin Bansal puts it, ゥtter online experience is what e-commerce companies should aim at.䠼/span>
The Internet and Mobile Association of India [IAMAI] is a young and vibrant association with ambitions of representing the entire gamut of digital businesses in India. It was established in 2004 by the leading online publishers, but in the last eight years has come to effectively address the challenges facing the digital and online industry including mobile content and services, online publishing, mobile advertising, online advertising, ecommerce and mobile & digital payments among others.
Eight years after its establishment, the association is still the only professional industry body representing the online and mobile VAS industry in India. The association is registered under the Societies Act and is a recognized charity in Maharashtra. With a membership of 130 plus Indian and MNC companies, and with offices in Delhi and Mumbai, the association is well placed to work towards charting a growth path for the digital industry in India.༯span>
