Cultural Agenda May 2014 Instituto Cervantes


From: Instituto Cervantes Nueva Delhi Comunicaci n  Mon, 28 Apr ’14 7:22p
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Dear friends,
Attached you can find the information of our upcoming events.
Next month we will open a new photo exhibition entitled Indian PALabras, in which the artist and journalist Rafa Gassó explores the pictorial possiblities of photography with a smartphone and the expressionism of words. This work try to record, in a personal way and through the point of view of portrait, the Indian geography and instants (Pal) that will never be published on the media, but can be found on social networks… Also related to India, the conference From India to Spain: Gypsy Language and Literature, will show us the links between India and Spain, through the gypsy language and culture.

The Women X Women project keeps on playing on scene contemporary Spanish women play´s by young indian director woman. On this occasion three pieces by Paloma Pedrero are played on scene by directorManjari Kaul.

On our Sunday movies we will screen Cuban films about the role of this country on contemporary African history (Kangamba and Cuito Cuanavale). And on the ocassion of the International Day of Families we will screen the Spanish movies Héctor and The Grandfather. Meanwhile, in Chennai a Spanish film series Made by Women will be on show , as well as the movie Don´t be afraid in Mumbai and Jodhpur, within the EU Film Festival.

​Please, do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

​Warmest regards,
Jesús Clavero-Rodríguez
Cultural Manager
Instituto Cervantes Nueva Delhi
Hanuman Road 48, New Delhi 110001
