Rain Water Harvesting

With reference to your works detailed cost for rain water harvesting in your campus we are hereby the submitting the tentative estimate for the job.

Detail of the Job: Rain water harvesting:

The Gross work includes: The vertical drilled bore wells with various dimensions
with available space, horizontal drilling to make water channels to reach bore wells,
the retention tanks, filter /retention tanks, water drains or channels connecting rain water pipe, retention tanks, storm water drain etc,Connecting HDPP pipes and interconnecting nodal points masonry works, dismantling of road, concrete structures as parse the plan layout and site inspected by the undersigned. Note Rain water storage tanks cost of masonry or CC UG Tanks not included.

Cost Structure:

The Total cost shall be Rs 3.50 Cr with ten Rain water wells along with filter tanks or retention tanks along with safe water channels as per site conditions.

Technical details:

On inspecting the site it was proposed from your company side to have shall wells just near the rain water pipes in green area which is not possible due to its proximity with the foundation and instead of hundred shallow bore wells, campus needs smaller number to cater to the ground water.

The efficiency of the each bore shall be deemed to have 35% to 75%.

Please feel free to enquire any further details in this regards.

With regards,
Yours sincerely,

N K Sagar
