Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni on Tuesday stepped in to resolve the ongoing tussle between the ICC and the electronic media, which has been barred from covering Wednesday's eagerly awaited Indo-Pak cricket World Cup semi-final clash at Mohali.Mrs Soni swung into action when representatives of the News Broadcasters Association met her Tuesday morning, prompting her to call up senior ICC officials, including its President Sharad Pawar.
The Minister has written a letter to Pawar requesting him to allow the electronic media to cover the event as was the case earlier.PTI quoting sources said, Mrs Soni said, as Prime Ministers of two countries are coming so the electronic media should be allowed. She also called a meeting on March 31 to sort out the issues which would be attended by representatives of the ICC, major channels and top BCCI bosses.
The Minister has written a letter to Pawar requesting him to allow the electronic media to cover the event as was the case earlier.PTI quoting sources said, Mrs Soni said, as Prime Ministers of two countries are coming so the electronic media should be allowed. She also called a meeting on March 31 to sort out the issues which would be attended by representatives of the ICC, major channels and top BCCI bosses.
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