NHRDN-Delhi & NCR Chapter presents February 2012 Special Event "THE POWER OF COACHING" on 23rd February 2012 at IDSA Auditorium, New Delhi

Saturday, 18 February, 2012 11:30 AM

Dear Friends & Fellow Professionals,
You have heard about coaching,
You have read about coaching,
. . . now it's time you experienced
The Power of Coaching
from a Master Certified Coach - Mr. Peter J. Reding, MBA, MCC.
You do not want to miss this opportunity to
  • witness a live coaching session,
  • coach a fellow NHRDN member
  • be coached by a fellow NHRDN member.
Program Details:
DATE February 23rd, 2012 (Thursday)
TIME 5:30PM - 8:00PM
(Networking during 5:30 - 6:00PM)
VENUE IDSA Auditorium, The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), IDSA Complex, No.1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, New Delhi - 110010 (Near Subroto Park)
* Road Map Below
This workshop is hands-on, and highly experiential. This offers a first-hand opportunity for a deeper dive into the world of professional coaching.

You will learn:
The real power & empowerment of coaching
You will experience coaching - as a coaching client
You will experience coaching - as a coach
Why coaching has become a US $2 Billion industry
Where you can use The Power of Coaching in your organization

We look forward to your participation and leveraging your professional expertise from this event. On behalf of the NHRDN Delhi & NCR Chapter team, we request you to please block your diaries for the Special Event.

Best Regards,

Suresh Tripathi Rajneesh Bawa Rajneesh Singh Anil Gaur Ajay Chowdhury
President Vice President Vice President Hon. Secretary Joint Secretary

National HRD Network - Delhi & NCR Chapter, C-81C, DLF Super Mart-1, DLF City-IV, Gurgaon.
Tel.: 0124-4041560, Mobile: 9810526884, Email: info@hrdnetworkdelhi.com

• NHRDN Members - Free of Cost.
• Non-Members would be requested to pay Rs.500/- to partly defray the expenses or to take up membership of "National HRD Network - Delhi & NCR Chapter"
