Dear Sir/ Madam,
Workshop on
Amendments To Regulatory Framework
Tuesday, 12 June 2012; 0930 hrs; Jacaranda Hall Part 1, India Habitat Center , New Delhi

Confederation of Indian Industry is organising a Workshop on Amendments to Regulatory Framework for its members on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 from 0930 hrs to 1400 hrs at Jacaranda Hall Part 1, India Habitat Center , Lodi Road , New Delhi .
The one day workshop will focus on diverse topics of regulation in India and its impact on businesses.
The Programme Structure is as follows :
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Inaugural Session
1030 hrs
Session I : Direct Tax amendments to the Finance Bill 2012
1130 hrs
Session II : Implications on PE investments in India
1230 hrs
Session III : The Changing face of Company Law and its Impact on Corporate Governance
1300 hrs
Session IV : Changing landscape of the Indian Transfer Pricing Regime
1330 hrs
Lunch/ Close
We have invited Mr D M Spolia, Principal Secretary(Finance), Govt of NCT of Delhi for the Inaugural Session.
I am writing to request you to block your diary for the date 12 June 2012. You may also consider nominating colleague(s) to attend.
We request you to kindly send in your confirmation through the enclosed Reply Form.
Look forward to hearing from you.
