Honorable Chief Justice of India
Supreme Court,
New Delhi 110002
$4 Trillion Oil & Gas Grand Scam By RIL in PSU Discoveries.
[Executive Summary: - CAG in its March2012 reports had disclosed RIL had been Operating Directly in ONGC and Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Acreages. Just two KG D6 and Deen Dyal discoveries in 100 square kilometers and 15 square kilometer wells in area respectively has over $2 trillion worth Oil & Gas in price parity value of petroleum, three more big discoveries were also made and GOI had allocated 78 Offshore Blocks to RIL and GSPC spanning 500,000 square kilometers. Discoveries already made are worth $4Trillion in Petroleum Price Parity. (Relevant Pages of CAG reports Annexed here)
It was puzzling RIL was hiring Most Powerful Rigs at $0.5m per day against $65,000 to $125,000 per day rate (This resulted in $9.5b capitalization) that could penetrate 10 kilometers to 12 kilometers radius or each well could reach 314 sqkm to over 400 sq.km radius when for 90% of post discovery wells are developed by much less expensive rigs. Since RIL drilled scores of wells around Discovery – it could cover 1000 square kilometers area around KG D6 and Deen Dyal discoveries each made in ONGC and GSPC acreage.
Grand Conspiracy is established by the CAG Reports – RIL was allocated Blocks next to ONGC and GSPC discoveries INSTEAD OF allowing ONGC and GSPC to expand acreage and ‘Avoid Cross Drilling’. Iraq was known to Drill Deep in to Kuwait Oil & Gas Fields that led to conflict and Invasion of Kuwait.
CAG has also reported GoI in 1999 kept Technical Weight-age at just 6% in Eligibility and RIL partners held 10% share. Oil & Gas operators were allowed to sell Gas to any Indian Consumer. This further implies Natural Gas production cost may be just $0.8 per tscf could be sold close to Purchase Parity price of $35 to $50. Actually Anil Ambani wanted a share in RIL gas to operate Gas Based power plants at agreed price of $2.24 per tscf. Present government didn’t allow RIL to directly sell Oil & Gas to any customer and is regulating supplies.
RIL kept changing partners who were not willing to Operate Illegally in ONGC and GSPC Acreages that led to delays and Quadruple Capitalization and resultant production loss. RIL Practically MONOPOLIZE entire Offshore Oil & Gas.
India lost over $500b to $1000b in production loss at Petroleum Price Parity as Conflict Was On At These Discoveries since 1999 Without Public Knowledge, Instead of Oil & Gas Surplus India, India Imports $100b Oil & Gas annually.
Prayer: - Declare Oil & Gas in Indian Offshore Blocks to be National Property and Nationalize RIL Operations. Direct CBI Investigation & Register FIRs against NDA Government & Gujarat Government Ministers as Listed Here.]  
Petitioner is a WIPO awarded inventor is familiar with Drilling Technology since 1978 when high power drills were engaged to drill 90cm bores for water supply for CPWD up to 400 ft depth. He also followed ‘Presentations Made By World’s Most Reputed Oil & Gas Operators Involved In Gulf of Mexico Spill Case.’
Petitioner has already made several petitions to GOI and had submitted ‘Documents’ to CBI and met Inquiry Officer in 2010 and 2011.
CAG reports had ‘Confirmed It As Greatest Scam In The World’s History’ of a Company that had no Offshore Experience was Practically Operating All Over Indian Offshore.
1.  CAG has Confirmed 99% of Grand Scam in Two Disclosures in Two Reports – RIL Operated Directly in ONGC and GSPC Acreages.
2. GAG is doubtful of the ‘Quantum Of Oil & Gas’ in discoveries but this only indicates Quantum of Intended Loss in introducing RIL in to ONGC and GSPC acreages from some $tens of billions to $tens of trillion considering Purchase Parity of Oil and Potential in many thousand times larger acreage allowed to ‘Inexperienced RIL.’ Intrusion in to ONGC, GSPC and RIL own 25 Blocks meant RIL was Practically Owning and Operating Entire Indian Offshore Blocks worth $20Trillion. (DHC estimates 205 Billion Barrels of Oil Equivalent Oil & Gas Reserves in India $100 per barrels is over $20Trillion or more yet to be identified.) 
3.  Oil & Gas fields are ‘Certified International Experts’ based on three dimensional images of the fields – there could be some error on both plus and minus side.
4. Honorable Supreme Court had dealt with KG D6 dispute over pricing and sharing for 4-5 years and is concerned with ‘Allocation and Ownership of Natural Resources’ after 2G Allocations were found to be illegal.
5. Honorable Supreme Court was KEPT IN DARK about the real ownership of Oil & Gas and Dispute Between Ambani Brothers Was An Eyewash to distract from the real issue of ownership of Discoveries.
[GSPC CAG Report: - Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) a private sector enterprise, installed Control and Riser Platform unilaterally in the part area of KG block licensed to the Company on which no other operator has any right without the consent of the Company/GoI. As per the mining lease conditions of GoI, the Company would be responsible for safety and security of all structures in its block including RIL’s structure for its life period.]
i.]  Honorable Supreme Court may direct CBI & INTERPOL to investigate Grand Conspiracy and Register FIRs against MD of RIL, Director General Hydro Carbon Mr. VK Sibal, Chairman of GSPC and Following NDA Ministers and Gujarat Ministers.
In ONGC case – RIL was located Blocks in 1999 NEPL, GSPC in 2001.
Price Parity Between Natural Gas and Petroleum 10 to 18 Times
A unit of gas Thousand Standard Cubic Feet in heat value = 35 Standard Cubic Meter = 35x0.9kg of Petroleum = 35 Liters Liquid Petroleum and 50 Liters Considering Clean Fuel and 50% Higher Efficiency.
A unit of gas $4.2= $35 Petroleum and
Gas is clean fuel and thermal efficiency of Gas Turbines is 50% higher than Large Diesel Generator. (Normal thermal efficiency of Combined Cycle Power Plant is 55% whereas small medium and large generators average 10%, 30% and 40%.) 
Current international gas Natural Gas (CNG) is $2.69 per unit.
$2.69 Worth Natural Gas = $50 Worth Petroleum 

Thank you,
Ravinder Singh
Inventor & Consultant
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India .
Ph; 091-9910693464, 9718280435

