CNN-IBN Poll Survey BJP Funded & Loaded in BJP Favor (C)

CNN-IBN Poll Survey BJP Funded & Loaded in BJP Favor (C)
‘Public Hai Ye Sab Janti Hai’

Opinion polls have been WILDLY WRONG since 2003, Funded & Loaded in favor of BJP. After BAD poll survey – Pollsters Ought to have carried Out Post Poll Review Survey to understand what went wrong and here we have yet another – worst imaginable Poll Survey. This inventor Can Design Poll Survey that Shall Give 400 Seats to UPA, in 2014 Elections, against 153 projected by latest poll survey.

Polls predicted for Lok Sabha 2004 upto 340 seats for NDA but it actually got just 181 seats. 5-6 members were disqualified for taking bribes for asking questions in the parliament therefore results were exactly half. I can’t imagine the This Massive Manipulation any where in Poll Survey on this planet.

The 2004 Indian general election - Chatham House Briefing Note
‘The BJP’s success in state assembly elections in December2003 prompted the government to dissolve the Lok Sabha in January 2004 and call an early general election. Opinion polls in January suggested that the NDA would win 330-340 seats in the 545-seat parliament and some commentators thought they could secure a two-thirds majority, enabling them to amend the constitution.’

Likewise in LS-2009 Poll Surveys INC was projected to get 144-155 seats but it actually secured 205 seats. Gains for UPA were 83+80 in 2004 and 2009 Elections. There were substantial gains both times not captured by Poll Surveys.

TV News Media itself is responsible owned by Corporate it always had bias against Secular and Socialist government.

TV News media under estimates the ‘INTELLIGENCE OF AAM ADMI’, All the Negative and Shaming TV reporting against GoI over last 3-4 years didn’t work in state elections – except Gujarat where Modi applied all tricks including 50 3D laser image projections simultaneously could won state elections.

Objectives of CNN-IBN Polls were entirely to ‘Expose Every Weak’ spot in INC and its leaders by Loaded Questions.

But BJP & Modi were not exposed by Searching Questions.
NDA to win 172-180 seats, UPA 149-157, oths 147-155

The Survey projections are 20 seats gains for NDA and 106 Loss for UPA is clearly


CNN-IBN Loaded the Survey against INC to reflect its own Campaigns rather than Free & Independent assessment of Voters Perceptions about the entire political situation viewed from their own angles rather than Opinions of Corporate Control Media.

Every person on earth knows it is not Prime Minister but Companies run Industries & Economy. When companies are not performing it is also the responsibility of Opposition to Expose Bad performance of the Companies and Seek penal action including Nationalization.


[1.] Instead of Price Rise – Has your Income & Savings Gone Up since 2009?

[2.] On Governance and Slowing Down of Economy - Whom Do You Blame for Slow Down – 1] GoI failure to introduce REFORMS, 2] Corporate Failing to Compete in Open World Economy, 3] Opposition Obstructing Reforms, 4] Corruption and 5] Global Recession?

[3.] On Elections – Why did BJP lost in 2004, 2009 and many State Elections - 1.  Neglect of Poor & Caring Big Corporate, 2. Failure to execute Critical Projects, 3. Communal Outlook, 4. Anti Farmer Policies?

[4.] Has your Living Standard gone up in 5 years.

[5.] Are you getting More Bank Credits than 2009?

With these UPA Seats Shall Exceed 300

[6.]  Which Opposition Party is Hindering REFORMS Opposing Progress, a.] BJP,  b.] Communists,  c.] Socialists?

[7.]  Which Opposition Party Stopped Infrastructure Projects – Nuclear Power, Hydro Power, FDI etc and more. a.] BJP,  b.] Communists,  c.] Socialists?

[8.]  Who do you believe in Gujarat during BJP rule benefit the most – 1] Corporate, 2] Urban Middle Class, 3] Farmers and Rural Poor.

With these UPA Seats Shall Exceed 400

In the Poll Survey Narendra Modi is ranked 5th in Poll Survey behind, Manmohan Singh, Anna Hazare, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi.

Ravinder Singh*
Inventor & Consultant
New Delhi – 110016
