Fitness Workshops (@ Punjabi Bagh Club Garden, Open Air)
New Delhi, 27th July ‘2013: We have organized a workshop on Fitness Education and the latest trends of fitness. We told the right way of fitness to general public, where people of all age group (6 years to 75 years) had joined this workshop. Also there was a tournament for people to challenge their fitness level. There were different categories, for the tournament like , kids , females males, and 50 plus age group and also a group of high intensity workout people.
We informed general public about the new trends of fitness, the new developments that are happening in the fitness industry on an international level.       We have told everybody about the diet according to the body type and blood type.
Main key points highlighted in the workshop, was informing people how they can correct and improve their lifestyle, and enhance health.
Guided about BMXStregth ® Technique:
We have given a brief introduction about BMXStregth ®, (A Bio Mechanics Exercise), a technique of exercises, where body movements are very friendly with the joints and connective tissues, which gives maximum results, in shorter time. We have also used this technique in different form of exercises like, Power Yoga, Pilates, Cross Fit, Kick Boxing and lot of other exercises. Told everybody about their body posture correction so that they can develop their flexibility. Everybody who participated in the workshop has enjoyed all the exercises and fitness challenges.
In total of 200 people has taken the participation in the workshop (in Punjabi Bagh Club Garden), Neeraj Mehta (Nutrition and Fitness Expert), and his team of 30 trainers have guided,  the right techniques for exercise.
Brief about: Neeraj Mehta (fitness expert) 
Neeraj Mehta is one of the few people, whose purpose was fixed early in life. From the beginning, wellness and physical discipline became his mantra. Healthy life, including words such as the fitness, health, exercise, became his life. He also participated in many competitions in which he always won. He participated in lot of games in which physical efficiency was required like Martial Arts, Hata Yoga,  Strength Sports and so on. He gradually started analyzing his physical movements and exercise techniques, and educated himself in Human Anatomy and Biomechanics and also did years of R&D of different body movements. Studied and mastered in 14 different physical exercise forms. He only invented and introduced BMXStrength ®, technique, globally. Which is registered trademark and patented by Neeraj Mehta only.
Neeraj Mehta is the director of, GFFI Fitness Academy. GFFI Fitness Academy is the First recognized academy (started 15 years back) for certification and continuing education in India. GFFI provides courses such Personal Trainer / Gym Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Pilates Instructor, Aerobic / Group Instructor, Senior Fitness Coach, Sports Nutrition, Advance Fitness Trainer, etc. He is also the director of Fitness Alive (Fitness Alive Gym, Punjabi Bagh and Paschim Vihar),
For more information, please contact:

Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
Impact PR

Neeraj Mehta
Fitness Expert,
Fitness Academy Director GFFI
Director Fitness Alive Gym
35, NWA, Punjabi Bagh West
Punjabi Bagh Club Road
New Delhi 110026
