Screening of Asiatic lions for PPRV and CDV viruses
A report in ‘Economic Times, London’ dated 16th May, 2013 reported about Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) detected in Asiatic lions. An inquiry subsequently done revealed that the quoted research work itself has confirmed absence of CDV in the sample of Asiatic lions indicating that research on puts were in fact, contrary to this news report which was not based on facts.
In this connection Gujarat Forest Department, with intension of scientific conclusion regarding the presence or absence of CDV and PPRV (Pestes Des Petits Ruminants Virus) as well as to help management/conservation of Asiatic lions in Gujarat, entrusted the job of screening the Asiatic lions for these viruses to Gujarat State Bio-Technology Mission (GSBTM) working under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat.
GSBTM report date 25th July, 2013 confirmed that, both viruses CDV and PPRV- were found to be absence in the tissue samples of all the 10- Asiatic lions (6-males and 4-femals) which constituted the sample out of which, 7 were from wild (5-males and 2-females) and 3 from captivity (1-male, 2-females). The animal tissue samples were collected as opportunistic collection from lions (injured/rescued etc.). Therefore, the sampling was quite random. GSBTM has also communicated that the RT PCR based assay using specific primers were successfully used to verify absence of CDV and PPRV in the chosen lion tissues.
This investigation report further confirmed incorrectness of 16th May report. The State Forest Department is not only sensitive and vigilant about the issue, but the state has also acquired capabilities of high -end scientific investigations with the help of GSBTM who would go a long way in scientific management of lions in the state.
Dr. C. N. Pandey
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife)
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