PM Hurt By Betrayal of Tata, Ambani, Jindal, Jakhars, Pitroda, Aruna
- India Could Have Been $5 Trillion Economy 2013
August29, 2013
I am glad that Ratan Tata had admitted to Betrayal by vested interests
who didn't let Good Policies implemented for public good 'quite often
in private sector have changed, delayed or manipulated that policy.'
He should have directly talked to PM & FM than hiring Neera Radia to
counter rivals.
Follower of Guru Nanak ji PM is soft and too gentle - I had a close
encounter with him in 2003 when I asked 'Can a nation make any
progress when 70% of its population (farmers) get 2% of GDP as Bank
Credit?' He admitted it is to low and since then there is 10 fold
increase in credit to farmers, MSP was doubled in UPA 1 with Loan
Waivers- but it was not followed by policies to let farmers add value
to there produce - Store, Process and Market.
The differences between 1991 and 2004/2009 was first INC strength in
Lok Sabha - Congress had 50% seats then therefore full authority to
implement any program, 27% in 2004 and 38% in 2009 - there was Common
Minimum Program with stable partners in 2004 and No Program in 2009.
Second companies were not permitted to invest in foreign countries
FERA kept this in check. Since FERA was repealed over $1000b had
flowed out of India that could have added $1000b to Indian GDP.
Ratan Tata himself betrayed India investing over $50b in foreign
countries and not repatriating profits and technologies. I don't have
the details of latest developments. With the kind of Private Money
atleast one or two states could have come out of poverty line.
Ambani and Jindals were acquiring and hoarding Oil, Gas and Coal blocks,
these could have contributed over $250b to India GDP producing cheap
Oil, Gas and Power and our Foreign Exchange Reserves Could have been
Jhakhars were three generations of Betrayals - except some tears gave
nothing to Farmers of India or 800m people that is 10 times population
of Germany - they store, process and market their farm produce but
didn't want all other farmers to do it.
Pitroda an international crook who filed bogus patents was Rasputin in
INC always misleading since 1985 - advising India not to seek Patents.
IPR alone could have contributed $1000b in 10 years to India GDP, 95%
of the technologies we need are not protected in India.
Aruna & Mandher like Jakhars promoted worst option to support poor
hungry & starving - instead of raising Minimum Wages to $1500 annually
so that even a poor family may earn over Rs.100,000 annually,
guranteeing only Rs.5000 as annual food subsidy.
But most shocking was even after Contributing over Rs.50,00,000 crores
to states in 10 years that went in to 'Drains' some states demand
'Backward State Tag'.
His comments on Modi are not without influence - Ratan Tata received
Rs.10,000 crores soft loan from Modi.
There had been congenital BETRAYAL by BJP RSS since founding in 1925.
Ultra Mega loot and plunder started in 1998-2004 BJP rule.
Parliamentry debates expose the BETRAYAL - it was repeated in every
We all knew from 5000 years history Bania BJP RSS nexus in Mega Loot
and sabotage of Indian Economy.
We all know Middlemen and Traders suck 50% of our GDP. Before FERA was
repealed - it was Serious Offence to take money out - now there is no
penalty for taking money out of India.
- Equity holdings by Small Indian Investors is reduced to around 5%.
As per Planning Commission Tax Foregone - Companies declare $200b
annual PBT, $10b Dividend and 1.25b Indians get just $1b dividend.
- Problem of 75% Indians Poor/Farmers is that get only 20% to 30% of
Urban Wages and Value for their produce and when they buy products pay
100% to 200% as traders margin. All they money released by States and
GOI are looted on way - there is therefore Three Way LOOT of poor and
- Over a $1 Trillion had been taken out of India since FERA was
repealed by BJP - Yashwant Sinha, Jethmalani, Shourie, Jailtley
conspiracy under Vajpayee-Advani leadership.
- Over $400b Bank Credit to Industry outstanding little was invested
in India on Creating Manufacturing Facilities, most diverted to
trading importing businesses. The manufacturing out to have created
$100b Tax Revenue, $200b Avoided annual imports, contributed around
$100b of wages and trading margins didn't materialize.
- 75+ Oil & Gas blocks which were given to RIL & GSPC by BJP
had CONSPIRED to delay investments and hiring Equipments at 5X normal
cost. When we were to get our own cheap Oil & Gas costing around $5
per barrel to extract we import at over $110 per barrel. Public Money
was used to Grab Coal, Minerals, Land, Oil & Gas blocks etc than
creating production facilities.
- Housing sector $100b plus much more in black - when in USA a Housing
Complex is ready in 4-6 months - our projects take 5-6 years, actually
my tenant could get in 8 years, my attorney got DLF plot 6 years after
booking in phase-I.
- Not just that our Housing Companies have created land banks for 100
years in most cases. For example a company developing 100 acres in
year has over 10,000 acres of Land Bank mostly funded by Bank Credits,
and public advance payments.
>> Even if we assume over 1 million acre is owned by Builders @ Rs.1 crore comes to Rs.10,00,000 crores or $200b at old rates.
- ZERO IPR creation - companies IITs, CSIR filed Bogus Patents led by
Sam Pitroda himself to SERVE world market and they in return CRIPPLED
our Patent Office. It takes 5-7 years to get a patent - source ISRO,
DRDO patent filings.
- 200,000 MW hydro power, 60,000 MW hydro power projects were
deliberately sabotaged by BJP RSS promoted NGOs. All $400b projects.
- Zero FDI in Agriculture & Retail > FDI in these two sectors could
have been $50b annual is Blocked by BJP RSS. Communists have only 20
about seats.
Every time there is Rupee Devaluation BJP RSS had sabotaged Indian Economy.
Ravinder Singh
Inventor & Consultant
- India Could Have Been $5 Trillion Economy 2013
August29, 2013
I am glad that Ratan Tata had admitted to Betrayal by vested interests
who didn't let Good Policies implemented for public good 'quite often
in private sector have changed, delayed or manipulated that policy.'
He should have directly talked to PM & FM than hiring Neera Radia to
counter rivals.
Follower of Guru Nanak ji PM is soft and too gentle - I had a close
encounter with him in 2003 when I asked 'Can a nation make any
progress when 70% of its population (farmers) get 2% of GDP as Bank
Credit?' He admitted it is to low and since then there is 10 fold
increase in credit to farmers, MSP was doubled in UPA 1 with Loan
Waivers- but it was not followed by policies to let farmers add value
to there produce - Store, Process and Market.
The differences between 1991 and 2004/2009 was first INC strength in
Lok Sabha - Congress had 50% seats then therefore full authority to
implement any program, 27% in 2004 and 38% in 2009 - there was Common
Minimum Program with stable partners in 2004 and No Program in 2009.
Second companies were not permitted to invest in foreign countries
FERA kept this in check. Since FERA was repealed over $1000b had
flowed out of India that could have added $1000b to Indian GDP.
Ratan Tata himself betrayed India investing over $50b in foreign
countries and not repatriating profits and technologies. I don't have
the details of latest developments. With the kind of Private Money
atleast one or two states could have come out of poverty line.
Ambani and Jindals were acquiring and hoarding Oil, Gas and Coal blocks,
these could have contributed over $250b to India GDP producing cheap
Oil, Gas and Power and our Foreign Exchange Reserves Could have been
Jhakhars were three generations of Betrayals - except some tears gave
nothing to Farmers of India or 800m people that is 10 times population
of Germany - they store, process and market their farm produce but
didn't want all other farmers to do it.
Pitroda an international crook who filed bogus patents was Rasputin in
INC always misleading since 1985 - advising India not to seek Patents.
IPR alone could have contributed $1000b in 10 years to India GDP, 95%
of the technologies we need are not protected in India.
Aruna & Mandher like Jakhars promoted worst option to support poor
hungry & starving - instead of raising Minimum Wages to $1500 annually
so that even a poor family may earn over Rs.100,000 annually,
guranteeing only Rs.5000 as annual food subsidy.
But most shocking was even after Contributing over Rs.50,00,000 crores
to states in 10 years that went in to 'Drains' some states demand
'Backward State Tag'.
His comments on Modi are not without influence - Ratan Tata received
Rs.10,000 crores soft loan from Modi.
There had been congenital BETRAYAL by BJP RSS since founding in 1925.
Ultra Mega loot and plunder started in 1998-2004 BJP rule.
Parliamentry debates expose the BETRAYAL - it was repeated in every
We all knew from 5000 years history Bania BJP RSS nexus in Mega Loot
and sabotage of Indian Economy.
We all know Middlemen and Traders suck 50% of our GDP. Before FERA was
repealed - it was Serious Offence to take money out - now there is no
penalty for taking money out of India.
- Equity holdings by Small Indian Investors is reduced to around 5%.
As per Planning Commission Tax Foregone - Companies declare $200b
annual PBT, $10b Dividend and 1.25b Indians get just $1b dividend.
- Problem of 75% Indians Poor/Farmers is that get only 20% to 30% of
Urban Wages and Value for their produce and when they buy products pay
100% to 200% as traders margin. All they money released by States and
GOI are looted on way - there is therefore Three Way LOOT of poor and
- Over a $1 Trillion had been taken out of India since FERA was
repealed by BJP - Yashwant Sinha, Jethmalani, Shourie, Jailtley
conspiracy under Vajpayee-Advani leadership.
- Over $400b Bank Credit to Industry outstanding little was invested
in India on Creating Manufacturing Facilities, most diverted to
trading importing businesses. The manufacturing out to have created
$100b Tax Revenue, $200b Avoided annual imports, contributed around
$100b of wages and trading margins didn't materialize.
- 75+ Oil & Gas blocks which were given to RIL & GSPC by BJP
had CONSPIRED to delay investments and hiring Equipments at 5X normal
cost. When we were to get our own cheap Oil & Gas costing around $5
per barrel to extract we import at over $110 per barrel. Public Money
was used to Grab Coal, Minerals, Land, Oil & Gas blocks etc than
creating production facilities.
- Housing sector $100b plus much more in black - when in USA a Housing
Complex is ready in 4-6 months - our projects take 5-6 years, actually
my tenant could get in 8 years, my attorney got DLF plot 6 years after
booking in phase-I.
- Not just that our Housing Companies have created land banks for 100
years in most cases. For example a company developing 100 acres in
year has over 10,000 acres of Land Bank mostly funded by Bank Credits,
and public advance payments.
>> Even if we assume over 1 million acre is owned by Builders @ Rs.1 crore comes to Rs.10,00,000 crores or $200b at old rates.
- ZERO IPR creation - companies IITs, CSIR filed Bogus Patents led by
Sam Pitroda himself to SERVE world market and they in return CRIPPLED
our Patent Office. It takes 5-7 years to get a patent - source ISRO,
DRDO patent filings.
- 200,000 MW hydro power, 60,000 MW hydro power projects were
deliberately sabotaged by BJP RSS promoted NGOs. All $400b projects.
- Zero FDI in Agriculture & Retail > FDI in these two sectors could
have been $50b annual is Blocked by BJP RSS. Communists have only 20
about seats.
Every time there is Rupee Devaluation BJP RSS had sabotaged Indian Economy.
Ravinder Singh
Inventor & Consultant
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