Indian Railways Need CEO Minister–Suresh Prabhu A Tragedy
February26, 2015 (C) Ravinder Singh

I used to be deeply disturbed on finding Chartered Accountants promoters of Industries who specialize in Turning around a 20% loss making company in to 20% Profit Making Company within 3-4 hours on 31st March 30 years ago but today there are Hundred Times more such CA or MBA’s than Inventors whose sole contribution to an Industry is Manipulation of Accounts and Corrupting SEBI and Banking, are Now Union Ministers.

Suresh Prabhu Corrupted Power and Water sectors of Indian Economy and Indian Railways shall be next is based on ZeeNews interaction with MPs and important but Unintelligent Audience. Some of the following recommendations are based on INFO at the event like 94% Passengers Travel in General Class.

FIRST priority of IR to Integrate With Other TRANSPORT system in India – at little cost Passengers can switch from Roadways to Delhi Metro or Jaipur Mainline to Connect with Delhi Airport are Examples – all it needs is Extension of Jahangir Puri DMRC Station Closer to National Highway Bypass. Integrate with Ring Railways and Six Main Lines connecting Delhi.

SECOND priority of IR is to make Stations Passenger Friendly. Open both sides of Platforms and make Entry & Exit from Stations at same level without Crossing Railway Lines. IT CAN BE DONE BECAUSE ALL FAST TRAINS STOP FOR JUST 2-5 Minutes at stations.

THIRD priority of IR ADD EXTRA LINES on Congested lines make Sure Long Distance Trains are not held up due to Pile Up of Delayed Slower Trains & Bypass Congestion. 

FOURTH priority of IR is to REPLACE all 10 years or older Coaches and Run Rail Coach Factories at Full Capacity. Earlier I believed in Capital Shortage but actually Corporate Is Hoarding On To Rs.50,00,000 Crores – Ambani Brothers alone Owe Rs.3,00,000 Crores to India – India need to recover HOARDED MONEY to Fund Railways, High-Tech Industries, Food Processing etc.

FIFTH start FREE Trains for Indian Labor that may be 50 to 75 Coaches stopping at 1000 Smaller Stations bypassing Main Stations. Each Train could carry 8,000 to 20,000 Passengers at PEAK Time. For safety such trains to be hauled by Goods Locos. This too shall reduce CONGESTION at 500 Main Stations which can offer Better Services to Fare Paying Passengers. There are over 5000 such stations and 500 could be Developed For FREE TRAINS to Provide Economical Foods, Waiting, Public Amenities. [75 Wagons Stop at these stations to Bypass Faster Trains]  

SIXTH the Main Advantage of above is that 100% of Passengers Boarding FAST TRAINS would be paid passengers who may get BETTER Quality of Foods & Services and Trains would be Punctual. No train at main stations to stop for over 10 minutes.

SEVENTH to REPLACE All unviable Projects with VIABLE Rail-Lines like Mohali-Rajpura 30 km Rail Link connecting Chandigarh to Punjab Haryana & Rajasthan.

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS

Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9718280435, 9650421857
