Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent messages of condolences to his counterparts in both Pakistan  & Afghanistan over a powerful earthquake that so far claimed over 360 people.
The magnitude-7.8 earthquake with a depth of 210 km hit Hindu Kush mountain range in northern Afghanistan at 0909 GMT on Monday, according to China Earthquake Networks Center, with strong tremors felt in Pakistan and India.
In his message to Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, Xi said China and Afghanistan share a traditional friendship and the Chinese people are saddened by the losses of life and property in Afghanistan in the earthquake.
Meanwhile, in his message to Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain, Xi said that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners of cooperation and the Chinese people also feel the pains of the Pakistani people in the face of the disaster.
The Chinese leader pledged to provide the two countries assistance if needed, expressing the belief that the two countries can overcome the aftermath of the disaster and rebuild their homelands.Xenhua


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●     AirAsia introduces daily direct flights from Kota Kinabalu – Wuhan (BKI-WUH)
●     All-in fares from RM88* one way, book now till 1st November 2015, travel period from 22nd January to 29th October 2016.
KUALA LUMPUR, 27 OCTOBER 2015 – AirAsia, the world’s best low-cost airline for seven consecutive years, has launched a new daily route from Kota Kinabalu to Wuhan (BKI – WUH), which is expected to begin operations on 22nd January 2016.
Book seats for this new BKI – WUH route from RM88* one way, inclusive of taxes and fees from now until 1st November 2015. Guests are able to travel from 22nd January – 29th October 2016 through the introductory price promotion.
Spencer Lee, Head of Commercial for AirAsia Berhad said, “We want to continue putting Malaysia at the forefront of connecting Asean to other parts of Asia. By introducing the BKI – WUH route, we are enabling our passengers to connect to the bustling Central Chinese capital from East Malaysia as well as other countries via our Fly-Thru service. We also believe that the direct flight between Kota Kinabalu and Wuhan will further spur tourism between the two cities, which brings great advantage to the East Malaysia hub, and strengthening both the Friendship Cities.”
Wuhan is the capital of the Hubei province in Central China and is the most populous city in the area. Wuhan is a gateway to historical attractions like the Ancient Chibi Battlefield also known as the Red Cliffs, depicting the epic war during The Three Kingdoms dynasty; Enshi Grand Canyon, a natural site with unparalleled views; and the Yandi Shennong Mountain, one of the best preserved primeval forest zones in China. In Wuhan itself, tourists can enjoy theYellow Crane Tower, an ancient tower which has been destroyed and rebuilt multiple times but still maintains its old world charm; and the Wuchang lake, which is the largest lake within a city in China.
AirAsia has a total of 18 direct routes from its Kota Kinabalu hub with the Wuhan route as the latest addition. In 2014 alone, the Kota Kinabalu hub has served over 3.7 million passengers for both domestic and international flights. Guests travelling from Kota Kinabalu can also connect to 11 countries via Fly-Thru service as well.
Boletín de Nuevatribuna
Boletín informativo. Miércoles 28 de Octubre 2015.
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Though the United States insists that it won’t take positions on the South China Sea issue, all of its actions seem to be targeting China – a naval destroyer sailing within 12 nautical miles off China’s Nansha islands is the latest example.
An Associated Press report quoted a U.S. defense department official as saying that “we will fly, sail, and operate anywhere in the world that international law allows.”
We should give “credit” to Uncle Sam. As an irrelevant party in the dispute, the country has spared no effort to create fanfare in the South China Sea, accusing China of harming navigational freedom, though evidence has seldom been presented on how harm was done or how shipping lanes have been threatened by China’s island construction, which is primarily used for creation of two lighthouses.
China’s sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and its adjacent waters is “irrefutable,” said Lu Kang, a spokesman of the foreign ministry when commenting on the incident, adding China will respond to any deliberate provocation by any country.
It is understandable for the U.S. to be posturing as a defender of world order, as it always claimed to do so, for itself or for its allies, but sending warships and planes to the islands may have stepped out of the line. Worse still, it is counterproductive to the solution of the disputes.
Such “a show of military force” may only demonstrate its intention to militarize the sea and has weakened trust and ran counter to the consensus the two global giants have built on fostering a new type of major-country relations, said Yang Yujun, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry on Tuesday.
Aside from adding tension to the situation, what’s the meaning of this move? Just to protest China’s island construction? By sending warships to the area, the U.S. may also embolden some claimant countries, which have been deluged with nationalism.
China will not use force recklessly, even when it comes to issues related to territory and sovereignty, said vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlong at a security forum earlier this month.
But “not using force recklessly” does not mean China will renounce the use of force. Misinterpretation by the U.S. may cause more miscalculation and could lead to crisis.
Both the Chinese and U.S. people should not forget the mid-air collision between a U.S. reconnaissance plane and a Chinese fighter jet in China’s Hainan Island airspace in 2001, during which a Chinese pilot was killed.
That tragedy was caused by the prolonged adoption of a “cold-war mentality” by the U.S., which led it to monitor China’s every activity.
Such incidents may take place again if the U.S. does not discard its stereotypes of China, though the results may become more unpredictable.
A U.S. P-8A anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft flew over waters off China’s Nansha Islands in May, receiving repeated Chinese warnings.
The U.S. should not be overconfident about its ability to steer clear of collision. The sea is no less safe than the airspace. If history can serve as a guide, it should remind people how U.S. cruiser Yorktown was bumped by former Soviet frigate Bezzavetnyy in the Black Sea in 1988, though the U.S. was also exercising its “innocent passage” right.


Greetings of the Day!
You are cordially invited for Eleventh in the series of ‘Art Episodes’  – Women Priosners to be held on 30th October at Oxford Bookstore, N81 Connaught Place, 6pm 
Prisoners too have rights. Whatever the offence might be, they are liable to get the basic amenities in prison. It becomes especially hard in cases of women prisoners, when they are physically or mentally harassed.
Are our jails equipped to deal with such cases? What are the rules of safeguarding women in prison? Who do they turn up to for psychological support? How does the government ensure sensible and humane approach in the treatment of women prisoners? 
Panellist : 
Rahul Mehra : Eminent Lawyer, Sports Activist 
Sana Das : Coordinator of the prison reform programme, CHRI 
Do come for an insightful discussion. 
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Best Wishes
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